Strength training is been seen more and more as the most beneficial aspect of an exercise routine. Prioritizing it and doing it as efficiently as possible is therefore very important.
Blank Sheets
These sheets can be used to create your own workouts, perhaps taking from the more fully developed examples that follow, or for reproducing those routines when you need more columns. Tracking your progress is highly recommended.
The more muscle groups you are trying to work in one session, the fewer exercises you can do within an optimal timeframe. On the hypertrophy spectrum, this is the least effective but still far better than nothing.
Two versions of this are most common. *Rather than do the entire upper body, I prefer to group Legs and Back together, because of their synergy and overall number of exercises balancing better as well.
To grow serious quality muscle you have to force the body to commit the resources. So when you can’t do any more reps, sometimes that’s when the good part of the set begins.